Shopping Information

  • How can I contact you?

    You can reach us through several channels:
    Contact form:

  • Yes, we offer restock notifications for our products. Simply subscribe to our newsletter or create an account on our website to receive alerts when items are restocked.

  • At Grass Company, we strive to maintain a steady inventory to meet the demands of our customers. Our restocking frequency depends on various factors including product popularity, seasonal trends, and supplier availability. Typically, we aim to restock our artificial grass inventory on a regular basis to ensure that our customers have access to a wide selection of high-quality options. However, for specific inquiries about restocking schedules for particular items, feel free to reach out to our customer service team, and we'll be happy to provide you with the most accurate information available

Returns and exchanges

  • We offer a 30-day return policy for a refund. Items must be unaltered and securely wrapped in their original packaging. Please note, the responsibility for goods remains with you until they reach our warehouse, so ensure items are properly packaged to avoid damage during transit.

  • Once the returned item(s) reach our warehouse, refunds to the original payment method may take up to 10 business days to process.

  • To process a return, please send an email confirmation to with the following details: Order number, Full Name, Address, Contact number, and Reason for Return.

  • If your order is bespoke and has been cut to your specific requirements, a fee of 50% of the order value and a £50 charge for collection via a third-party courier will be deducted from the refund.

  • You have 24 hours after placing your order to cancel for a full refund. After this period, a cancellation fee of 50% of the order value may apply, depending on the stage of processing.

  • If your delivery is refused due to damage, please note it on the delivery note. Notify us within 48 hours via email at with the required information. We'll arrange for collection and provide a full refund or replacement at no extra cost.

  • If an incorrect item is received, we'll arrange for collection and dispatch the correct order at no extra cost. Alternatively, a full refund will be issued.

Payment information