• We know it can be difficult to choose the right artificial grass product for you and we want to make the process as simple and easy as possible for our customers.

  • This is why we offer a free sample service where you can choose up to 5 products and we deliver them directly to your door.

  • You can then explore your options in the comfort of your own home and make your decision with confidence.

  • How can I order grass samples?

    • Simple follow these 3 easy steps:

      ⦁ Browse the products on our website and click on ‘View product’

      ⦁ Click ‘Order free sample’ for any 5 products you like

      ⦁ Click ‘Checkout’ and enter your details

  • Voila! Your samples will be delivered to your door.

  • How do I decide which samples to order?

    • Firstly, decide if you are looking for:

      ⦁ The cheapest options (our Comfort collection)

      ⦁ Quality at low prices (our Luxury collection)

      ⦁ Premium quality at affordable prices (our Deluxe collection)

  • We would recommend choosing 3 samples from the collection of your choice and a sample each from the other collections.

    • If you are still unsure, we advise you take a look at our Best Sellers and choose from our most popular products.

  • If you still require further guidance, please contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you in choosing samples.